Dr Karen Morton - Founder and Medical Director

Dr Karen Morton
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 2454319
Dr Karen Morton qualified from the University of Cambridge in 1978. She trained at Cambridge, Oxford, Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital, Chelsea Hospital for Women and St Thomas' Hospital, before becoming a consultant in Guildford in 1991. Prior to becoming a full-time obstetrician and gynaecologist she worked in general medicine and in intensive neonatal care. Her major interests are maternal medicine and labour ward management together with paediatric and adolescent gynaecology.
"I believe passionately in the NHS and have worked within the health service for over 30 years. There are however numerous situations where with a little help, people could solve minor medical issues themselves. I hope to empower people by giving them a better understanding of their problems through the use of non-medical language. A clearer understanding allows better decision-making, which produces a better outcome for everybody. When I have any time off, I play golf or tennis but also love to travel and indeed have spent long periods during my career studying and working abroad. My three sons also occupy a great deal of my time."
Dr Tanya Lawson - Director of Quality and Clinical Governance

Dr Tanya Lawson
General Practitioner
GMC: 2703178
Dr Tanya Lawson qualified from Middlesex Hospital Medical School (London) in 1981 and completed her GP training in Horsham, West Sussex in 1985. After a period of travel/locum work including a six month work placement in Australia she settled into a partnership in Horsham in 1988. From 1999 she worked for the local trust as lead prescriber and produced local guidelines for management of chronic obstructive lung disease. She became senior partner in her practice in 2000, a GP appraiser in 2003 and a GP trainer in 2008, remaining in the same practice until leaving to pursue a portfolio career in 2013. She is currently GP Tutor for Coastal West Sussex CCG, and a senior appraiser and GP appraiser for NHS England SSE.
"During my 26 years in the same practice I had the privilege of seeing families grow up and in some cases looked after five generations of the same family. This was immensely rewarding although challenging at times. My enthusiasm for high quality medical care led me to become qualified as a trainer in the hope that I could help to influence a few of the GPs of the future. I have always had interests in lung disease (especially asthma) and child health. My interests mainly revolve around outdoor pursuits with my family, including skiing, mountain biking and trekking"
General medical queries |
To advise with womens health issues |
To advise GPs when needed |

Dr Carey Wolfe
General Practitioner
GMC: 2728634
Dr Carey Wolfe qualified in medicine at Cambridge University in 1981. He specialises in musculoskeletal medicine, sports and exercise medicine and rheumatology. He also does primary care teledermatology and is a GP trainer.
"I trained in rheumatology before moving into General Practice, where I have indulged my interests in sports and exercise medicine, running specialist clinics and providing medical cover for large sporting events such as the 2012 London Olympics. Throughout my adult life I have travelled the world extensively, alone and then with my family, and understand the anxieties created by illness abroad and the reassurance of expert advice."

Dr Kerry Angiolini
General Practitioner
GMC: 6149859
Dr Kerry Angiolini qualified from the University of Southampton in 2007 before starting her hospital rotations and GP training in Basingstoke. Dr Angiolini worked in a number of GP practices in Berkshire and Surrey before becoming a partner in a practice in central Guildford in January 2013.
"Even before completing my medical degree I knew I wanted to pursue a career in General Practice. I love the variety it brings and particularly thrive on caring for people with complex medical needs. I am the named GP responsible for a large local care home. I have also developed a great interest in women's health and I am currently working to achieve the Diploma of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare which will complement the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Diploma I have already obtained. Away from work, I love spending time outdoors, particularly out on the water. Wakeboarding and scuba diving are particular passions of mine. Any other spare time is spent training my working cocker spaniel, Toby."

Dr Hajera Abbas
General Practitioner
GMC: 4012182
Dr Hajera Abbas qualified from Sheffield University in 1993 and after a period of hospital training completed her accreditation in General Practice in Yorkshire. She moved around the country with her husband due to his work and decided to take a career break when her two children were young. She moved to the South East firstly to Kent where she returned to General Practice in 2008 and then to Buckinghamshire. She currently works part-time as a freelance GP in the South Bucks Area.
"Having two teenaged children and a husband who works in London I fully understand the pressures of juggling family life with that of a professional career. I love the varied nature of General Practice and enjoy telephone consulting. In my spare time I enjoy exploring places of historical interest in England and abroad and love the great British countryside."

Dr Natalie Atere-Roberts
General Practitioner
GMC: 6148759
Dr Atere-Roberts qualified in medicine from Imperial College in 2006. She spent three years training in obstetrics and gynaecology in Oxford, gaining her MRCOG in 2011, before moving back to London to embark on her GP training. She currently works in a GP practice in South West London.
"I have always been passionate about women's health, particularly educating and empowering women to take control of their sexual and reproductive choices. It is for this reason that I think the gynae travel packs are a wonderful idea. I feel very fortunate to be able to apply the specialist knowledge I gained during my earlier training to benefit the women I now see in the community. With two young children myself, I empathise fully with how busy life can seem, and so I see Dr Morton's Helpline- the ability to get informative and good quality advice, quickly and easily- as an invaluable service, which I am delighted to be a part of."

Dr Berge Balian
General Practitioner
GMC: 3483712
Dr Berge Balian completed his medical training at St Thomas' Hospital in London and undertook post-graduate and GP training in London and Somerset. He has been a full-time GP in a large semi-rural practice in Somerset with approximately 12,000 patients for the past 19 years. He has extensive experience in providing out of hours (OOH) care. He has worked OOH throughout his GP career, initially providing overnight and weekend on call cover for the practice population on a rota basis, then working for a local GP OOH co-operative, and most recently working OOH sessions for the Somerset and Dorset Urgent Care Service. He is also an Associate Medical Director for Primary Care at Yeovil District Hospital.
"My special interests are cardiology and medical politics. I have extensive experience of doctor-led telephone triaging, both in the practice and out of hours. I am married to a diabetes specialist nurse and have two teenage children. I am in my 40th year of playing hockey and enjoy cooking for relaxation."

Dr Rachel Bristow
General Practitioner
GMC: 4513102
Dr Rachel Bristow qualified from Sheffield University in 1998 and moved to Frimley to complete her GP training. She has been a GP for 13 years and also has special interests in family planning and occupational medicine.
"I enjoy the variety of work encountered in General Practice and feel privileged to have the opportunity to make a difference to people on a daily basis. I have always tried to work with people to help them understand medical problems and empower them to stay healthy and well. I have a busy home life, with my husband and three young children - any spare time is spent reading or trying to stay fit!"

Dr Anthony Cerullo
DFFP (Pisa)
General Practitioner
GMC: 3419829
Dr Anthony Cerullo qualified from the medical school of the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1990. He completed his GP training in Guildford in 1996 and has been a full-time partner at a GP practice in Surrey for the 18 years since then. He helps to train foudation doctors training in General Practice and has a special interest in men's health, musculo-skeletal medicine and dementia.
"I believe, despite some of its shortcomings, that we are very lucky in the UK to have the NHS and General Practice, and feel we should all try to protect and support these institutions. I think in medicine it is important to communicate simply and effectively with people and I try to do this in my practice. I enjoy the relationship I have with my patients and find the help I am able to give them to be extremely rewarding. Away from work I like to spend time with my family and border terrier. I enjoy road cycling, play golf, and once a week still manage, only just, a game of seven a side football."

Dr Alice Chishick
General Practitioner
GMC: 3245569
Dr Alice Chishick qualified from Bristol University in 1987 and completed her GP training in 1992. Following hospital training in all major specialities, including work in infertility and sexual health, Dr Chishick is now a partner in General Practice in West Sussex.
"I enjoy the variety of General Practice and providing holistic care for patients and their families. I find it very rewarding to discuss various options with people to help them to decide the best way to manage each health problem. I am looking forward to being part of Dr Morton's - the medical helpline and helping customers access reliable medical advice in a convenient way. My husband and I have five children, three sons and two daughters. My interests include photography, playing squash, walking and going to the theatre."

Dr Annette de la Court
Artsexamen (Leiden) MSc Dip FSRH
General Practitioner GMC: 3209785
Dr Annette de la Court qualified in Medicine from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands in 1987. After working in Amsterdam, she spent 4 years in a variety of hospital posts in the UK - Obstetrics and Gynecology, Accident and Emergency, Ophthalmology and genito-Urinary Medicine and HIV - at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and subsequently St Mary’s Hospital. In 1993 she returned to the Netherlands to obtain a MSc in Epidemiology and gain some experience in Public Health. This was followed by three years with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine on a Reproductive Health Project in Nigeria. On her return to the UK, she qualified as a GP combining General Practice with work in Genito-Urinary Medicine and Sexual Health. She has a wide interest in all aspects of medicine, and the wide scope of General Practice.
"Having worked and lived in several countries and under various health care systems I am very aware how well the NHS in general works for most patients. I am however concerned there are gaps in the provision of care, particularly when it comes to having quick access to a healthcare professional, which it is not always easy to provide inside the NHS. I am all too aware that many people use the internet because of questions they have about their health and can become both anxious and confused about the myriad of information on offer. Therefore I am very excited to work for Dr Morton’s helpline. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and 2 teenage sons who keep me well informed on the new digital world".

Dr Andy Eaton
General Practitioner GMC: 4122137
Dr Andy Eaton qualified in medicine from King's College Hospital, London in 1994. He completed his GP training in Somerset in 1998. Until June 2017 he was a partner in a semi-rural Somerset training practice and he is now working in a nearby practice as a salaried doctor. Dr Eaton has a special interest in both dermatology and respiratory medicine.
"I have been lucky enough to combine clinical practice with my love of teaching, and am actively involved in medical student and postgraduate education. I work regularly for the out of hours service, and see first hand how important communication is when someone consults with a doctor they have never met before. I believe the key is in empowering people to be involved in decisions regarding their health. When I am not working, our two young children are a constant source of fun (and a reminder of how much energy I used to have!), but I also try and make time to get out for a cycle around the lovely Somerset countryside."

Dr Jo Hobbs
General Practitioner GMC: 3562143
Dr Joanna Hobbs qualified from St Thomas’s Hospital medical school in 1991. She has worked at St Thomas’s, Worthing, Lewisham and the Royal Surrey County Hospitals before GP training in Guildford and Camberley. As a GP she has worked in Camberley and Haslemere before settling into a partnership in Liphook where she was Senior Partner for 5 years. She taught medical students, was adult Safeguarding Lead and provided GP services to a large nursing home specialising in Dementia and Psychiatric care. In addition she specialises in Women’s Health and Dermatology. Since leaving the partnership she is embarking on a portfolio career which will involve both NHS and private GP practice, providing Appraisals for other GP’s in the UK and she will be involved with international charity work.
"I love the variety of illnesses that General Practice provides combined with the ability to develop and maintain ongoing relationships with my patients. I enjoy providing holistic care, looking for solutions to problems where mental and physical health are interlinked, dealing with each on an equal footing. My four children and two dogs keep me busy, in my spare time I enjoy skiing, swimming and learning Italian."

Dr John Horne
General Practitioner
GMC: 2588843
Dr John Horne qualified from Cambridge University and St Thomas' Hospital in 1982. He initially pursued a career in hospital medicine, specialising in gastroenterology, before making a positive choice to take on the different challenges of General Practice. He has been a GP in Crewkerne since 1989 and has been the lead GP for diabetes and for I.T. through this time. He also spent several years as a GP trainer. He is married with four children.
"I have an interest in diabetes and gastroenterology, but what I enjoy most about General Practice is the challenge of providing or enabling high quality care for my patients across the full range of conditions and problems that they encounter. I have continued this enthusiasm when working in out of hours care and I am comfortable with providing advice and information through telephone consultations. In my spare time I am an avid Bath rugby fan and I try to enjoy the glorious Dorset coastline when I can.

Dr Sarah Hull
General Practitioner
GMC: 4610267
Dr Sarah Hull qualified with a distinction in pharmacology from St Georges Hospital Medical School in London in 1999. She then went on to qualify as a GP in 2003 and obtained her GP Specialist Interest in dermatology in 2007. She currently practices from The Village Medical Centre in Woking and works 1–2 sessions per week for the Surrey/Sussex Community Dermatology Service in Send and Horsham. She enjoys to travel and has previously been a voluntary worker in India.
"I am highly motivated, dependable, well organised and a good team player. I am extremely conscientious and enthusiastic. I am able to communicate well with patients and colleagues. I enjoyed the clinical aspects of general practice and also the additional responsibilities of working as a GP principle. I have been working in dermatology for 12 years. In the surgery I tend to see in-house referrals from my GP colleagues. I work 1–2 sessions per week for the Surrey/Sussex community dermatology service in Send and Horsham. I work alongside consultants in these clinics. I diagnose skin lesions remotely one evening per week for the mole clinic, London. I am a busy mum with two daughters and in my spare time I enjoy running, music and occasional horseriding."

Dr Laurence Huntley
General Practitioner
GMC: 6102798
Dr Laurence Huntley qualified from the University of Birmingham in 2004, and started his early career in the West Midlands before moving to the South West to pursue a career in General Practice. He is currently a partner in Martock and South Petherton Surgery in Somerset, and has just successfully become a GP trainer, meaning he will be responsible for the training of prospective GPs based in the practice. He also is responsible for medical students based in the practice on placement. His other interests aside from teaching include minor surgery, and out of hours work. He is married with a young family.
"I enjoy the variety that General Practice brings, and looking after not just individuals but whole families. Even after several years in Martock and South Petherton I am still seeing how the local community fits together. Having been involved in the teaching of medical students I am looking forward to the next stage of my career with the teaching and supervision of GP trainees. When I am not at work, I enjoy exploring the Somerset countryside with my family and our rescue dog Ruby."

Dr Amarjit Johal
General Practitioner
GMC: 6122642
Dr Amarjit Johal qualified from the University of Birmingham in 2005 and completed his GP training in 2010. Following medical qualification, he undertook hospital training in many specialities, including General Surgery, General Medicine, ENT, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. After completing his training in General Practice in Staffordshire, he now works as a GP in Coventry. He has extensive experience of working in out of hours medical services and providing telephone consultations. He has also undertaken the Advanced University Diploma in Primary Care Mental Health.
"I immensely enjoy my work in General Practice and being able to provide patient centred care. I find it very rewarding to work with patients to better manage health problems and feel empowered. It feel it is essential that people are able to access high quality healthcare in a convenient manner, so I am delighted to be working with Dr Morton's."

Dr Sara Kayat
General Practitioner
GMC: 7043430
Dr Sara Kayat qualified at Kings College London in 2009, where she also achieved a BSc in Physiology. She is a practicing GP at Balham Park Surgery, which is featured on Channel 5's GPs Behind Closed Doors. This television experience was the start of a wider media career, in which she became the resident GP for ITV's This Morning. She has a keen interest in sexual and reproductive health as well as an interest in surgical specialties like ENT and orthopaedics. She also practices cosmetic medicine and likes to keep up to date in the world of aesthetics.
"I enjoy keeping happy and healthy through running, yoga, and eating lots of vegetables! I am a huge advocate of also keeping good mental health, and I practice mindfulness. I enjoy extreme sports like scuba diving, bouldering and skiing, as well as travelling as far as my air-miles will allow."

Dr Janet E. Krol
MB. Dip Obs (Auck) MRCGP (Lond) DFFP DPD (Cardiff)
General Practitioner
GMC: 2705132
Dr Krol graduated from Auckland, New Zealand in 1979 and then continued her training in London in 1984. She established private clinics in the UAE and Sultanate of Oman before returning to the UK in 1992 with her three children. She now works as a GP and GP trainer with a special interest in dermatology, working at St Peter's Hospital in Chertsey, Surrey.
"With 30 years experience as a GP and an independent traveller, I welcome the opportunity to address your health concerns and provide general medical advice."

Dr Kamaldeep Lally
General Practitioner
GMC: 7016167
Dr Kam Lally qualified from the University of Oxford in 2008 and took up an academic foundation post in paediatrics in Leicester. He subsequently decided to go into general practice and qualified as a GP in 2013. He has worked in a variety of city and county surgeries and is now based in Warwickshire. He has interests in paediatrics, cardiology and aesthetic medicine. He is also the Education and Communication Lead for the Leicester Faculty of the Royal College of GPs.
"I decided to go into general practice after my paediatrics experience because I wanted to make a difference in the community and try to help prevent unnecessary hospital visits for children. Since then I have grown to love the variety of patients I see, spanning all age groups and cultural backgrounds. My mission is to raise awareness about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and that 'a pill' is not always the answer! Away from work, I love football (having been an Arsenal fan for 25 years), travelling and entertaining my two young children."

Dr Marty McKendry
General Practitioner
GMC: 4075637
Dr Marty McKendry qualified in 1990 from the University of Otago in New Zealand. He has spent the last 24 years working in several different parts of the world (The Pacific, New Zealand, Western Australia, and UK) developing and growing his skills for his vocation of General Practice. For the past 12 years Dr McKendry has been working in Surrey as a full-time GP. He is interested in all aspects of medicine, but in particular enjoys his role with young people, patients with diabetes, musculoskeletal medicine, and people with drug and alcohol problems.
"I'm a very lucky guy. I had a great upbringing in rural New Zealand, which included a loving family, an outdoors and physical lifestyle, and a very good education. I was then able to work and travel in different parts of the world, which I really enjoyed. I now work as a GP in Surrey, which was unexpected - but it's great! I have a lovely family, and I find my professional role a privilege. The relationships and interactions I have with my patients give me a great deal of professional and personal reward. One of my early mentors gave me a bit of advice...'Enjoy your patients!' I enjoy the company of my family and friends, listening to and trying to play a bit of music, and keeping fit through cycling, running and a bit of sailing. Mostly, I'm spending my time trying to keep up with my kids!"

Dr Amir Mehrkar
MA MB BChir (Cantab) nMRCGP
General Practitioner
GMC: 6117779
Dr Amir Mehrkar qualified from the University of Cambridge in 2004 and has worked as a partner in both inner city and rural practices. In addition, he has pursed his interests in medical IT, working as a National Clinical Lead for e-Referrals and also as Digital Clinical Champion in NHS England, where he worked on the national strategy to provide patients with online GP appointments, repeat prescription requests and access to their GP records. He now works as the Chief Clinical Information Officer for Orion Health, a health software company that supports the NHS in delivering high quality care for patients.
"In the digital age, healthcare is still playing catch up with many other industries which allow their customers to use the internet, email and mobile systems to access services. Patients want the same from healthcare. I'm here to help patients reap the benefits that the safe and effective application of technology can bring to healthcare delivery."

Dr Amanda Molloy
General Practitioner
GMC: 3323944
Dr Amanda Molloy qualified from St George's Medical School, Tooting in 1989. She has worked a a GP in West Sussex in the same practice for 21 years, specialises in diabetes and child health, and has an interest in sleep problems. She has been a GP trainer for 15 years, supporting young doctors as they move into General Practice. She is an examiner for the Royal College of General Practitioners and remains active in out of hours work. She lives with her husband and six children in central West Sussex.
"I have worked in the same area for 25 years and love the continuity of being a GP following my patients through the ups and downs of life. I believe in working in partnership with patients and educating and empowering them to take ownership and responsibility for their health. There is no doubt that we are in a time of tremendous challenge and change for British healthcare. I believe that Dr Mortons is a part of the answer to this challenge."

Dr Natalie Moore
General Practitioner
GMC: 3313222
Dr Natalie Moore qualified from Birmingham University in 1989 and did her GP training in Worcestershire. She spent a year working in rural South Africa then returned to work in inner city London as a GP partner until 2002. She then followed her husband (also a doctor) to Lima in Peru until they returned to Surrey in 2009, where she now works as a part-time GP in a semi-rural practice.
"Having experienced medicine in different countries I am a firm believer in the benefit of a good General Practitioner. I think communication skills are paramount to the doctor/patient relationship. Outside of work I enjoy travelling, skiing and reading. I have three teenage children."

Dr Sandy Mtharu
General Practitioner
GMC: 6101206
Dr Mtharu graduated from Liverpool University in 2004. He went on to complete his GP training before becoming a partner in West Sussex in 2011.
"I take great pride and enjoyment in being a generalist, employing the broad mix of skills which I gained on a daily basis. I want to improve the patient experience of the GP service and look forwards to exploring the delivery of a high quality accessible service with Dr Morton's."

Dr Sabrina Ong
General Practitioner
GMC: 6122859
Dr Sabrina Ong qualified from St George’s Hospital Medical School in 2005. After completing her initial training at St George’s Hospital and The Royal Surrey County Hospital, she went on to complete her GP training at Kingston Hospital, allowing her to become a GP Partner in 2015 in a practice in Greenwich. Alongside General Practice, Dr Ong is actively involved in undergraduate medical education.
"I love the variety and challenges that modern General Practice provides and that it allows me to treat and be involved in the care of generations of the same family. Being patient centred and holistic is integral to my practise of medicine and in my time as GP Partner, I have developed an interest in undergraduate medical education, child health in primary care and health promotion. I have also completed further diplomas in child health and in obstetrics and gynaecology to help better manage my patients in primary care. Away from work, I enjoy spending time with my family, travelling to far flung places and exercising."

Dr Anna Penkethman
General Practitioner
GMC: 7135254
Dr Anna Penkethman qualified from the University of Leeds in 2011. After graduation she moved to London, where she completed her GP training and obtained a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Dr Penkethman currently works as a locum GP in Suffolk.
"I find my role as a GP stimulating and very rewarding. I enjoy the challenge of thinking flexibly around problems and working with my patients to form safe, effective and appropriate management plans. In my spare time I regularly practice yoga and am currently training for my first marathon!"

Dr Jim Price
General Practitioner
GMC: 2922885
Dr Jim Price qualified from the University of Cambridge and St Thomas' Hospital in 1984. He served as a Medical Officer in the Royal Navy for five years, training as a physician in gastroenterology. Preferring family medicine, he then joined a General Practice in Chichester, West Sussex, where he was a partner for over 20 years. Since 2001 he has also been a part-time academic at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
"Although an experienced generalist, I retain a clinical interest in gastroenterology, and am happy to advise on 'gut' issues. I have strong interest in clinical standards, and have been the Clinical Governance Lead (ie responsibility for clinical standards) for primary care organisations in West Sussex over many years. In my spare time I play golf, the piano, and the trombone (quietly...in the shed...). I have four children who are all pursuing their own destinies."

Dr Rebecca Prince
General Practitioner
GMC: 6055565
Dr Becky Prince qualified from Cambridge University in 2005 and completed her GP training in 2010 at Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. She is a partner in a practice in Kent where she lives with her husband and two sons.
"I love being a GP for the community in which I work. Using up-to-date, evidence-based medicine to care for and empower my patients whilst being an empathetic and constant ear is a unique position that I feel very fortunate to hold. My spare time is mainly taken up by two very small boys but I do enjoy singing and theatre when I get the chance."

Dr Louise Read
General Practitioner
GMC: 4618674
Dr Louise Read qualified from the Royal Free Hospital Medical School in 1999 and went on to complete her GP training gaining a Merit in the MRCGP exams and a dermatology diploma from the University of Cardiff.
"As a busy mother of six children, I believe that being able to access high quality healthcare at a convenient time is vital. I enjoy being a GP for a variety of reasons - not least trying to match the best medical advice with what my patients feel is possible with their current lifestyles and commitments. GPs have a privileged insight into the private domain of their patients and are also able to get to know whole families within the communities in which they live. In my spare time I like to go for a run, cook or catch up on my love of current affairs."

Dr Alex Standring
General Practitioner
GMC: 3452796
Dr Standring qualified from Bristol University in 1990 and did further training as an Army GP for seven years working in Germany, Belize and Canada. After leaving the army she spent some time as a locum GP in Surrey and worked as a clinical assistant in the Woking Family Planning Clinic and at St Peter's Genitourinary Medicine Department. She joined the Fairlands practice, part-time, in 2000 and also works as a locum.
"I am very lucky to work part-time as a GP and yet still be available for my family. I love the variety of General Practice and developing relationships with my patients. As a working mother I fully appreciate the struggles involved in juggling both worlds and have particular interest in women's and children's health. When not working or ferrying children around I enjoy exercise, travel and gardening."

Dr Robin Warshafsky
General Practitioner
GMC: 5154432
Dr Robin Warshafsky qualified at the University of Toronto in 1978. He emigrated from Canada to the UK with his English wife and two children about ten years ago. He has worked in a number of practices in East Sussex and is now a medical director for a large not-for-profit out of hours service. He likes travel, drawing and long walks over footpaths to pubs.
"I feel very fortunate in having had a varied career from multicultural and urban Toronto to a traditional, small High Weald village in East Sussex. I have delivered children of babies I delivered - how’s that for continuity of care? And I have provided episodic, acute care in A&E departments, walk-in centres and out of hours services. I really enjoy the variety and challenge of General Practice."

Dr Ellie Watson
General Practitioner
GMC: 6025407
Dr Ellie Watson qualified from the University of Birmingham in 2001. She then trained in paediatrics in the West Midlands and Surrey/London before completing GP training in Surrey in 2007. She worked as a GP in Woking prior to moving to West Sussex, where she is currently a part-time GP.
"I enjoy the variety that General Practice brings immensely. It is a privilege to be able to work with families and hear how their lives and health intertwine. The thing I find most satisfying in my role as a GP is being able to provide information that reassures or clarifies things for people, and discussing options. I am excited by the opportunity that Dr Morton's brings people in accessing advice. Away from work I am busy running after my two young children, but like to read if I get a spare moment"

Dr Ellen Welch
General Practitioner
GMC: 6101702
Dr Ellen Welch graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2004 and initially underwent training in emergency medicine. She has worked in a variety of roles all over the world, including as as ski field doctor in New Zealand, an expedition medic in Tanzania, and a doctor at the Glastonbury Festival. She completed her GP training in Cumbria in 2013 and has worked in West London since then. She has worked as a cruise ship doctor since 2008, and spends half the year working at sea, when she is not based at Brook Green Medical Centre in Hammersmith. She completed fiplomas in tropical medicine, sexual health and contraception and is a keen writer. Her recent book, written to help GP Registrars pass their final exam, won the BMA's Young Author award in 2015.
"I love the variety and flexibility of being a GP and feel very lucky that my job has allowed me to work all over the world. It is a privilege to be able to help people with their problems, and working with Dr Morton's provides another means of doing this through telemedicine. Outside of work, I love to roller skate and I play Roller Derby with the London Rollergirls Recreational League."

Mr Osama Abughazza
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6057546
Mr Abughazza graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy I.M. Secheov First Moscow State Medical University in June 1997 and became a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in November 2005. He undertook postgraduate training at the Imperial Healthcare Trust. He has many research publications and is a member of the RCOG menstrual disorder study group. Mr Abughazza has fifteen years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Royal Surrey County Hospital. His special areas of interest include menstrual disorders, endoscopic & pelvic floor surgery, colposcopy and early pregnancy problems.
"Outside of medicine I enjoy painting and playing tennis. I am married and have three grown up children."

Dr Fiona Bach
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6128266
Dr Fiona Bach qualified in 2005 from The University of Leeds and completed most of her specialist obstetric and gynaecology training in Yorkshire. She has published two obstetrics and gynaecology books for medical students. After gaining Membership to the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology she worked as a clinical fellow in acute gynaecology and early pregnancy at St George's Hospital, London. She then volunteered at a hospital in Northern Ethiopia for six months. She is currently completing her training as a Senior Registrar in London where she will be specialising in urogynaecology and labour ward management.
"Obstetrics and gynaecology is a pretty perfect job for me. I really like the variety of clinical cases and the different daily activities. I enjoy the hustle and bustle and the great teamwork involved in all areas, but also the impact simple things such as dignity and respect can have in such a personal specialty. I love to travel, particularly off the beaten track, and have just returned from volunteering in a hospital in Africa. Prior to this I have explored Asia, Australasia and Europe so now I am turning my head towards South America. I enjoy keeping fit and am currently training for a marathon!"

Mr Jay Chatterjee
DFSRH, MRCOG, FICP (India), PhD (London)
Consultant Gynaecologist and Gynae-oncology Surgeon
GMC: 5204387
Mr Jay Chatterjee is a consultant gynaecological surgeon at the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Guildford). He trained in some of the best teaching hospitals in and around London before sub-specializing in gynae-oncology surgery at the Hammersmith Hospital. He did his doctoral program at Imperial College, London (Division of Surgery and Cancer, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Hammersmith Hospital campus). He has published extensively in his field and has lectured internationally on various subjects relating to women's health. Mr Chatterjee is an avid supporter of education and his primary research interest is in translational research. He has published on clinical interventions improving patient outcomes from gynaecological pathologies. He sat on the Council of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and is also part of the team involved in research in Human Uterine transplants in the UK.
"I absolutely believe in the old adage that knowledge is power. I try and empower my patients by suggesting various preventative strategies that will help them in leading a long and healthy life. I often wish that we had better ways of screening and preventing these deadly conditions which have such tremendous impact on women, their families and loved ones. There are many factors that cause gynaecological cancers. Screening and awareness of early signs and symptoms can result in the early detection of these cancers when treatment is more likely to be successful and a complete cure is a possibility. Diet, exercise and lifestyle choices play a significant role in the prevention of cancer. Additionally, knowledge of family history can increase the chance of prevention or early diagnosis by determining if someone may have a gene which makes them susceptible to cancer. In my spare time I go to antique pen shows! I am an avid antique pen collector, and nothing intrigues me more than finding out about the life story of an old pen. I play tennis with my son at our local tennis club and swim with him at our local gym."

Dr Yasser Diab
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 4681676
Dr Yasser Diab qualified in 1984, and is currently a Consultant at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Dr Diab is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Guys and St Thomas Hospital, London. Yasser trained extensively in the South East Thames region, including four years as a Senior Registrar, Senior Clinical Fellow, and locum consultant at Guys and St Thomas’, before becoming a Consultant at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford in 2008. He returned to Guys and St Thomas’ as a Consultant in 2012. Yasser has a special interest in early pregnancy problems including recurrent miscarriage, acute gynaecology, reproductive health problems including pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, and many other aspects of gynaecology. He has completed advanced training in laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopic surgery ad gynaecological ultrasound. Yasser has wide experience in vaginal and pelvic floor surgery, including surgery for urinary incontinence.
"In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, cycling and playing football and most importantly spending quality time with my family and friends. When I have the chance I volunteer in charity hospitals in rural Egypt to help in improving services, treat poor patients and to train junior doctors."

Dr Caroline Everden
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6128083
Dr Caroline Everden qualified from St Bartholomew's Hospital and The Royal London Hospital in 2005. After starting her training in north-east London, she moved to Surrey in 2012. Dr Everden is currently a Senior Registrar at the Royal Surrey County Hospital with an interest in ambulatory gynaecology.
"I knew I'd found my calling as soon as I had my first experience of obstetrics and gynaecology. Keeping women healthy and enabling them to live the lives they wish is immensely satisfying. Women know their own bodies - as clinicians we must listen, occasionally act as interpreter, and help women make the choices that are right for them."

Dr Georgina Fraser
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6076052
Dr Georgina Fraser qualified from University College London in 2004. She completed her basic surgical training and moved to the Royal Surrey County Hospital, where she was especially interested in high risk obstetric care and operative gynaecology. Georgina was appointed as a consultant at Portsmouth Hospital in 2017.
"As a practicing obstetrician and gynaecologist my working life revolves around women's health. Away from work my time is taken up with my young family, although I try to make time for the occasional game of tennis or a trip to the theatre. Prior to having a family I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to travel extensively across Europe, South East Asia and Africa, something I am keen to do more of in the future but this time I will take theGynae Travel Pack© with me!"

Dr Hemavathy Ganesh
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 5187726
Dr Hemavathy Ganesh qualified in medicine from Madras Medical College, India in 1996. She trained in obstetrics and gynaecology at a number of hospitals in the UK until she was appointed as a Trust doctor at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford in 2002. She is now a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology. She lives in Surrey with her husband and two children.
"From an early age I always found helping others to be very rewarding and pursuing a career in medicine has suited me very well. I chose to specialise in women's health because the consequences of poor health not only impacts the woman herself but her whole family. Having worked in both India and the UK I have gained a strong belief that women should be empowered to control their own wellbeing and health. I became a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology in 2002 and my special interests include obstetrics, fertility treatment and colposcopy. When I have any time off I love travelling and reading."

Dr Haider Jan
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 60755883
Dr Haider Jan qualified in medicine from St. George's Medical School in 2003. He completed his training in obstetrics and gynaecology in 2012. He worked as a Senior Clinical Fellow in advanced laparoscopic surgery at the Royal Surrey County Hospital and was appointed as a Consultant at Epsom Hospital in 2014. He has specialized in gynaecological ultrasound and minimally invasive surgery.
"Alongside my job as in obstetrics and gynecology I have developed an interest in minimally invasive surgery, gynaecological ultrasound and obstetric emergency care. I have also discovered a love of teaching, in particular using innovative advanced technologies and simulation techniques, and am heavily involved in several training courses relating to maternal health and minimally invasive surgery. My work has always been underpinned by a passionate belief in improving maternal health around the world and I have set up a charity 'Maternity Training International' which aims to help train doctors and midwives through videos and information technology."

Dr Mike Negus
GMC: 7082155
Dr Negus made his decision to follow a career in medicine after a previous life in hospitality, where he ran cocktail bars and restaurants around the world. He left his own restaurant, Ishca, in the hands of his partners in 2004 to try and gain entry to medical school. After graduating from Southampton Medical School in 2010, he has subsequently progressed through the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialist Training Programme in the Wessex deanery. He completed a year out in 2017-18 to initiate and complete a randomised research project into recurrent urinary tract infections and develop skills in Laparoscopic Gynaecology. He is now a ST6 working at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital.
"I believe firmly that most successes and failures in medicine (and by extension, life) occur because of mis-communication. I strive to ensure that when I meet with a patient, they are provided with all the information they may require, in a style that facilities the building of a relationship, so that they are empowered to make decision that is most appropriate for them. I try to use this technique when I’m at home with my 2 daughters, but they’re very young, beautiful, intelligent and vigorously independent. Can I say any more? "

Dr Sian McDonnell
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6098488
Dr Sian McDonnell graduated from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in 2004 and worked in Durham for two years before moving to London. She is currently a Senior Registrar on the London and Surrey rotation. Sian has a special interest in maternal and fetal medicine and recently spent 12 months at St George's Hospital, Tooting, where she developed her fetal scanning skills.
"I love the large variety that a career in obstetrics and gynaecology brings with no two days at work ever being the same. Aside from work, my days are spent bringing up my young daughter. When time allows I also enjoy competing in triathlons, albeit not particularly well!"

Dr Harriet Nardo
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 3300040
Dr Harriet Nardo qualified from St Thomas' Hospital in London in 1988. She trained as an obstetrician and gmynaecologist at St Thomas' Hospital, Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital, St Helier Hospital, Carsholton and the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford. She was appointed a consultant at Kingston Hospital in 2001. Following a move north in 2004 she worked as a consultant at Bolton Hospital and Stepping Hill Hospital before taking a career break, living in Italy and spending time with her young family. She has now returned to practice in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
"I feel greatly privileged to be able to contribute to improving the health of women through practising Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I try my utmost to understand what are the main concerns of my patients and to address those during consultations. In my spare time I enjoy keeping active, playing tennis and swimming"

Dr Kate Panter
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 3245136
Dr Kate Panter studied medicine at Downing College, Cambridge and completed her clinical training at St Thomas' Hospital, London. She spent three years as a fellow at The University of Toronto. She worked as a consultant at Kingston Hospital from 2001 until 2009 since then has been solely in private practice at Parkside Hospital, The New Victoria Hospital and The New Malden Diagnostic Centre in South West London.
"I try hard to help my patients feel at ease during a consultation, recognising how it feels to be a patient. I believe in individualising care where different options exist, and in taking time to explain what the treatment choices are, so that my patients are empowered to make an informed decision about their care in as unpressured an environment as is possible. In my youth I was a rowing blue at Cambridge and an international oarswomen; representing Great Britain on four occasions culminating in the 1984 Olympics. I am married with three university-aged children. I am now a keen cyclist and practice yoga. I am a member of the Catalysis Board at Downing College, Cambridge and I am co-chairing a committee which has raised almost a million pounds to fund in perpetuity a research fellowship in biomedical sciences at Cambridge University."

Miss Annette Reid
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6054389
Miss Annette Reid qualified with a Distinction from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, University of London in 2002. Prior to this, in 1997, she obtained a BSc (Hons) degree in Biomedical Sciences. She undertook three years of surgical training, successfully passing the MRCS (1&2) postgraduate surgical exams. This complemented her training in obstetrics and gynaecology. She achieved a Postgraduate Diploma with merit from the University of Surrey in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopy (2015). She is also experienced in early pregnancy and gynaecology ultrasound following honorary training at King’s College Hospital in London. She is interested in general gynaecological problems including pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, early pregnancy problems, prolapses and benign cervical and vulva conditions. She is a registered colposcopist with the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) and is currently clinical lead for benign vulva conditions at the Royal Surrey County Hospital where she was appointed as a consultant in 2015 She always takes time to listen and work with patients to deal with their concerns.
"I am a regular badminton player but my racquet special is table-tennis, at which I won national championships in my earlier years. I enjoy gym work and various other sporting activities with my husband and three children, including open water diving and skiing."

Dr Hannah Rickard
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6129800
Dr Hannah Rickard studied pre-clinical medicine at St Peter's College, Oxford University before moving to University College London to finish her medical degree in 2005. Her specialty training in obstetrics and gynaecology has been in and around London and Surrey. Hannah now works as a Senior Registrar at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester.
"Coming from a family of teachers, I believe in empowerment through communication and ensuring patients have a full understanding of what, why and how is a key part of this. I apply this ethos to my daily practice where I see a whole range of women's health problems. As an obstetrician I am very pro 'normalising' pregnancy and birth and only intervening when absolutely necessary, but I also see women with more complicated, higher risk pregnancies.
General gynaecology, specifically period problems, bladder difficulties and menopause, is my other interest and I believe passionately in effective family planning and the promotion of sexual health and well being which is why the Gynae Travel Pack is such a great idea. I love the outdoor life and have travelled extensively from Oman to the Philippines, Thailand and Canada. When I am not mucking about in sailing boats with my husband or halfway up a mountain, I will most likely be walking my Chesapeake Bay retriever Dexter with my four month old baby boy strapped to my back"

Dr Balvinder Sagoo
MB ChB (Leeds) MRCOG
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6128466
Dr Balvinder Sagoo qualified from the University of Leeds in 2005. She has trained across the UK and is currently working at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital as a senior registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology. Her major sub-specialties are early pregnancy care with an interest in hyperemesis and acute gynaecology, antenatal care with an interest in obesity in pregnancy and intrapartum care. Besides clinical care she has been involved in quality improvement of services offered in the NHS and education of patients on how to better manage their health.
"As part of my training I rotated to Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital (QCCH) in July 2015, I am responsible for providing gynaecological and obstetric care with a special interest in acute gynaecology and early pregnancy. I counsel and manage women with miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, pregnancy of unknown location and gestational trophoblastic disease. I enjoy regular exercise and my hobbies involve activities with my children, including baking. I enjoy organising social events for friends and family and take part in cultural activities."

Dr Fevzi Shakir
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
GMC: 6120945
Dr Fevzi Shakir qualified in medicine from Guy's, Kings and St. Thomas' School of Medicine in London in 2005. He obtained his MRCOG in 2009.He worked as senior registrar at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford, before being appointed as a Consultant at the Royal Free Hospital, London, in 2017.
"In addition to general obstetrics and gynaecology I have developed a keen interest in minimal access surgery and have published many articles in this field. I love teaching, not only medical students and other healthcare professionals, but I feel very strongly that it is also vital to educate the patients themselves in order to empower them and promote good health."

Professor William Ayliffe
Consultant Ophthalmologist
GMC: 2597100
Professor Ayliffe qualified in Medicine in St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London after having graduated from Imperial College London. Having worked in Oxford, Bristol, Manchester and Harvard, US, he is now consultant ophthalmologist at The Lister Hospital in London. He has worked in developing countries and also with ORBIS, the international flying eye hospital. In addition to general ophthalmology, Prof Ayliffe has developed a local and tertiary referral service for cornea, uveitis and inflammatory eye disease. Professor Ayliffe was the recent Gresham Professor of Physic at Gresham College in London, and he lectures widely on antibiotic resistance and prevention of blindness.

Miss Liz Ball
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
GMC: 4550286
Miss Liz Ball qualified from the University of Wales College of Medicine in 1998 and trained in South Wales (including a PhD in Molecular Oncology) and East Anglia, followed by a National Oncoplastic Fellowship at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2012. In 2013 she became a Consultant Breast Surgeon at Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust. She is a member of the Women in Surgery committee at the Royal College of Surgeons, England, and was a keynote speaker at their 2016 national conference – “Confidence, Excellence and Feminism: not dirty words”.
In 2015 she was diagnosed with breast cancer herself, undergoing chemotherapy, a mastectomy and reconstruction and radiotherapy. She blogs as Mrs Liz Riordan about her experiences as a doctor and patient, and has spoken at several national and international conferences about her journey. Her TEDx Stuttgart 2016 talk, ‘Jar of Joy’, is about how to help someone with cancer. She has been nominated for a ‘Woman of the Year 2016’ award due to her work helping doctors and patients understand what having cancer is really like.
"Outside of work, I am a triathlete and cyclist, and I love baking. I am very active on social media, and I was runner-up in the British Medical Association’s 2015 ‘Top Doctor on Social Media’ award. I uses Twitter to promote the role of women in surgery, to educate people about breast cancer, and help plan my next sporting event – currently a half Ironman triathlon in 2017."

Dr Tim Cantopher
Consultant Psychiatrist
GMC: 2512673
Trained at UCH London, Portsmouth and St George's Hospital Medical School. He was formerly Consultant Psychiatrist and Deputy Medical Director at The Abraham Cowley Unit, St Peter's Hospital, Chertsey and Honorary Research Fellow at St George's Hospital Medical School until he joined The Priory Group in 1993.
"I am particularly interested in the inter-relationship between stress and medical conditions, including hormonal and gynaecological disorders, as my practice has shown me that there is no division between mind and body. I'm also an author, having written books for sufferers from depression, stress-related illness and alcohol dependence. Destigmatising mental disorders, which happen to the best of people, is the no.1 priority of my professional life. Outside of work, I'm engaged in the pursuit of a perfect golf game, unsuccessfully so far."

Mr John Davies
BSc(Hons) MB BS FRCS(Ed) FRCS(Urol)
Consultant Urologist
GMC: 2625133
Mr Davies is an experienced general urological surgeon, appointed consultant in Guildford 20 years ago. He qualified St Bartholomew's Hospital (London) in 1979 and subsequently trained in urological surgery at The Royal Marsden, St George's, The Middlesex and The Institute of Urology group of hospitals, London. He also trained in children's urology at Great Ormond Street Hospital. He gained further experience at John Hopkins (Baltimore) and MD Anderson (Houston) Hospitals, US. At the Royal Surrey County Hospital, John provides general adult and children's urology as well as specialised urological cancer services at The St Luke's Cancer Centre. John co-founded the Prostate Project Charity in 1997. To date it has raised over £6 million to improve local NHS urological services. John is a visiting senior fellow at the Post-Graduate Medical School, University of Surrey. Away from medicine he enjoys motor racing, classic car renovation and motorcycles.

Dr W Allister Dow
Consultant in Anaesthetics and Pain Management
GMC: 4285843
Dr Allister Dow trained in medicine at the University of Birmingham where he qualified as Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 1996. He gained accreditation as consultant anaesthetist and pain specialist in 2008. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and is an active member of the British Pain Society. Dr Dow practices multidisciplinary pain management treating all forms of acute and chronic pain.
"I believe acute and chronic pain to be both multidimentional and multifactorial requiring a holistic view on management. Injections and medicines can provide relief or even cure however most severe and chronic pains have biological, psychological and social elements, hence bio-psycho-social pain management. Outside of medicine I love to sail, fish, road run and spend time with my five year old little boy."

Dr Patrick Heck
Consultant Cardiologist
GMC: 4731722
Dr Heck completed his undergraduate training in medicine at Cambridge University in 1997 and later graduated from clinical school at Oxford University in 2000. Dr Heck undertook his specialist training in cardiology in Cambridge before completing a period of post-graduate clinical research for he was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (DM) from Oxford University in 2010. He then completed an 18-month Electrophysiology Fellowship at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, one of the world's leading centres in cardiac electrophysiology and currently works as a Consultant Cardiologist at Papworth Hospital.
"I have always enjoyed cardiology as I feel it offers a balance between being a physician and a surgeon. My specialist interests lie in the diagnosis and management of cardiac arrhythmias, an area that benefits from a rapid pace of development, notably in the field of arrhythmia ablations. Working as a cardiologist abroad and being exposed to health services other than the NHS has provided useful perspective and an increased appreciation of what the NHS achieves on a daily basis."

Dr Victoria Hordern
Consultant Physician Specialising in Diabetes and Endocrinology
GMC: 4230953
Dr Hordern qualified in 1995 from Guy's and St Thomas' medical school. She did her specialist training throughout the hospitals of the South East and eventually spent two years in Guildford researching the metabolic effects of a new insulin using stable isotope techniques. After completing her specialist training in 2005, she settled at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford as a consultant physician.
"I love the challenges of diabetes and endocrinology and have particular interests in diabetes in pregnancy and the use of insulin pumps. As a medical student and junior doctor I enjoyed travelling extensively in Africa and India as well as in Europe, but now my three young children, chickens, dog and pony mean that holidays tend to be spent closer to home."

Mr Jonathan Hughes
Consultant ENT Surgeon
GMC: 472289
Jonathan Hughes qualified from the University of Bristol in 2000. His post-graduate training was in London, including posts at St. Bartholomew's, University College London, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear, and Imperial College Hospitals. He has completed two-years of molecular oncology research at Barts Cancer Institute, culminating with the award of PhD in 2013. As well as general ENT training, he is fellowship-trained in head and neck surgery, and voice/airway surgery. He was appointed as an ENT consultant at University College London Hospitals in 2015. He also works at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, as well as University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
"Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery is a fantastically rewarding specialty, which makes a real difference to patients lives. We treat all age groups, with both medical and surgical treatments."

Dr Will Knight
MBChB MD(Res) MRCP(Neurology)
Consultant Neurologist
GMC: 6025389
Dr Knight completed his undergraduate medical training at The University of Birmingham in 2001 and has been a member of the Royal College of Physicians since 2005. He began his specialist training in neurology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery while undertaking clinical research in cognitive neuroscience at UCL Institute of Neurology. He was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from UCL in 2010 before completing clinical training in Birmingham and the South-West of England. He currently works as a Consultant Neurologist at Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust.
"I feel lucky that my area of work encompasses the fascinating world of the brain, and hence some of the most mysterious, challenging and devastating illnesses we know. I have a particular interest in cognitive disorders, which are the subject of much exciting research. I'm keen on almost any sport and spend my time outside of work with my young family."

Dr Ben G Marshall
Consultant Respiratory Physician
GMC: 3342899
Dr Marshall qualified from St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in 1988 and trained at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College NHS Healthcare Trust. He is now a consultant respiratory physician at the University Hospital Southampton where he has worked for 16 years and leads sub-specialist services in tuberculosis and interstitial lung diseases. He collaborates with scientists at the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine the National Institute of Health Science respiratory biomedical research unit (NIHR BRU) on a number of projects and themes trying to identify the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for causing progressive lung damage. He devotes 30% of his week to education and research as module lead for the Southampton graduate entry programme, and provides an interface to the media through the communications team at Southampton Hospital.
"Throughout my 28 years in the NHS I have always loved my job- especially the rich diversity of what medicine brings to each day. I am passionate about delivery of high-quality teaching and scientific discovery and I am committed to the care and optimal management of my patients - particularly those with long term conditions. I also play an active role in the teaching of undergraduate medical students, as well as in the training of postgraduate doctors and nurses."

Prof Dave Moore
Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
GMC: 3317721
Dave Moore qualified from the University of Birmingham Medical School in 1989. After spending 1993/4 as a medical officer in a rural district hospital in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa he undertook MD research in London on susceptibility to bacterial infections in HIV. Following six years of specialist training in infectious diseases in London he spent seven years in Peru leading research on tuberculosis. He has been a consultant physician since 2001 and is Professor of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he is course director for the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and director of the LSHTM TB Centre.
"What drew me to specialise in infectious diseases and tropical medicine was the extraordinary burden of curable and preventable illness in poor countries with limited resources – the potential impact that the diagnostics and therapeutics that we take for granted could have on mortality and suffering is huge, if only we got on and implemented what we know to work"

Miss Carrie Newlands
Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon
GMC: 4106584
Miss Carrie Newlands graduated in dentistry from Bristol University, and medicine from Queen's University Belfast, and underwent higher surgical training in Ireland, East Grinstead and Brighton. She has been a consultant in Guildford since 2003; she writes medical textbooks and also works for the Royal College of Surgeons as an Examiner of surgeons in training.
"As a facial surgeon, I deal with injuries and conditions which affect the mouth, face and jaws. I often look after teenagers who need to have their wisdom teeth removed before they go travelling, and sometimes help those who have been involved in accidents abroad, and who come home to be treated. Much of my work in the UK involves looking after people who have skin cancer, which is increasingly common in younger people, and is mostly caused by sunshine. My teenage sons and I travel widely, though are rarely to be seen abroad without sun-hats or the occasional cycle helmet."

Mr Guy Paremain
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
GMC: 3056396
Mr Guy Paremain qualified from St George's Hospital in 1985. His postgraduate training was throughout the South of England and Baltimore, US. Guy is now a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. His special interests include spinal surgery and trauma.
"A large part of my job involves managing patients with fractures and other injuries. Not infrequently these are sustained during holidays both at home and abroad. Away from work I enjoy playing squash and golf. I have three teenage children who themselves are beginning to explore the wider world."

Mr Shaun Preston
BSc(Hons) MB ChB MD FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Gen)
Consultant General Surgeon
GMC: 3487888
Mr Shaun Preston qualified from the University of Leeds in 1990. In addition to his basic medical studies he performed a degree (BSc) in Biochemistry, a higher degree (MD) in gastrointestinal cancer and was Lecturer in Surgery for three years. After a fellowship in the National Cancer Center Hospital in Tokyo he was appointed Consultant Surgeon in Newcastle upon Tyne in 2001. In 2006 he was appointed to a lead consultant post in Guildford where he continues to run a tertiary unit specialising in oesophageal (gullet) and gastric (stomach) disorders. He also specialises in laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery for groin hernias, gallstones and reflux (hiatus hernias). He is married with two children.
"I have worked in acute general surgery for over 20 years. Having grown up with laparoscopic surgery since its introduction I have experienced first-hand how it has improved patients' recovery following surgery and reduced the scarring previously associated with many procedures. I continue to specialise in the laparoscopic management of general surgical procedures and teach/train in this field. My other specialist interest lies in disorders (both benign and malignant) of the oesophagus and stomach. With an international reputation in these specialist areas, lecturing and operating worldwide, I am afforded the opportunity of travelling to witness healthcare in other countries. Out of work I enjoy spending time with my family, mountain biking and skiing. I also enjoy sports cars, cooking and fine wine."

Dr Mike Ryalls
Consultant Paediatrician
GMC: 2711348
Dr Mike Ryalls qualified from the Welsh National School of Medicine in 1981. He began training in paediatrics in 1982 training at The Royal London, Great Ormond Street, Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne and researched the endocrine consequences of bone marrow transplant as a research fellow at The Royal Marsden Hospital. He has been a consultant general paediatrician caring for children from premature birth up to school leaving since 1992 and specializes in the care of children with hormone difficulties and cancer.
"I am married to a piano teacher and have two grown up children. In my spare time I am a very keen golfer and skier."

Dr Alex Stewart
Consultant Oncologist
GMC: 4424011
Dr Alex Stewart went to medical school at Southampton University, then worked on primary prevention of breast cancer at Royal Marsden Hospital before commencing specialist registrar training at Charing Cross and the Hammersmith Hospitals. She then received brachytherapy and prostate cancer training at Harvard University, winning an ASCO merit award for a prostate cancer study. Upon returning to the UK, she continued to publish on specialist radiotherapy techniques. On completing her specialist training she chose to work in brachytherapy department at Guildford, focusing on prostate brachytherapy, cervix brachytherapy and oesophageal and rectal brachytherapy. She is the co-editor of a brachytherapy textbook that is due to be published this autumn. Dr Stewart holds an honorary contract at the University of Surrey as a Visiting Senior Lecturer, where she is leading studies on cervix IMRT on the use of PET scanning in early cervix cancer. Dr Stewart has devised a national database which will be used predominantly to enter data on rectal brachytherapy patients but locally we will also enter data on all colorectal cancer patients. Dr Stewart is now clinical lead for oncology at the Royal Surrey Hospital, which she joined in 2008.
"When I can tear myself away from work I enjoy spending time with my two young children. To keep fit I run regularly, which compensates for my love of cooking. I am a passionate traveller!"

Dr Binta Sultan
Consultant in Genitourinary Medicine
GMC: 6053936
Dr Binta Sultan graduated from University College London in 2002. She trained in General Medicine and Tropical Medicine and HIV in Cambridge, London and Birmingham. Following her Diploma in Tropical Medicine in London, she completed a masters in Public Health at Harvard University. Back in London, Dr Sultan was involved in writing the HIV reports for London at the Health Protection Agency. She then took up a post as an academic Clinical Fellow in HIV and genitourinary medicine, and completed her specialist training in 2015. Her clinical and research interests include STI diagnostics and novel methods of testing, increasing access to testing and treatment, prison health, and the management of HIV and viral hepatitis.
"I have a passion for reducing health inequalities and increasing access to healthcare. Throughout my clinical training I have seen the effects of poor access to healthcare and the significant benefits of early treatment and disease prevention. I most enjoy the interactions with my patients and working in HIV and GU Medicine has enabled me to use my public health skills in a practical way. I am able to make an impact to improve my patients’ health as well as the health of the wider population. In my spare time I am loving being a mother to my young son."

Dr Geraldine Walford
Consultant in Paediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry
GMC: 2300317
Dr Geraldine Walford studied medicine at Guy's and subsequently King's College Hospital qualifying in 1976. After starting psychiatry training on the Guy's rotation she moved to Belfast Northern Ireland in 1980 to complete her training and became a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist at The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children on the Falls Rd Belfast where she worked for a further 25 years before returning to England to work in the Isle of Wight in a community clinic until late 2012 when she retired.
"There's 'no health without mental health' is a motto of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and this is specially true of children. Every parent would wish as happy and healthy a life as possible for their children. When problems do develop easy access to professional help is important, often preventing a minor difficulty becoming a major problem. In my work I have had a wide and varied experience of psychiatric and psychological problems and their treatment. I love working with children, young people and their families and it is rewarding to watch them emerge from difficult times.
In Belfast I started up a specialist clinic in 1993 for children and families affected by 'The Troubles' and I hope in the near future to put some of this experience into practice again in my travels abroad.I have five grown up children and enjoy spending my spare time travelling and with family and friends."

Dr Woody Walker
Consultant Radiologist
GMC: 1460483
Dr Walker qualified as a doctor at the Middlesex Hospital in 1970, trained in radiology at the Groote-Schuur Hospital in Cape Town and carried out his first embolisation for gastro-intestinal haemorrhage in 1976. Since that time he has published numerous articles and chapters on interventional radiology and interventional and diagnostic gynaecology.
"I am a consultant diagnostic & interventional radiologist. I jointly lead gynaecological cancer radiology at the Royal Surrey which is a national referral centre for gynaecological cancer. I have been awarded a NHS silver merit award and an NHS lifetime achievement award. I carried out my first embolisation for gastro-intestinal haemorrhage in 1976 and since that time have published numerous pieces on various aspects of interventional radiology. In addition I have published 23 peer reviewed articles and five chapters on fibroid embolisation along with presenting 73 papers at international meetings. I have personally carried out more 2300 fibroid embolisations as part of The Royal Surrey & London Clinic Trial and details of my work are available here."

Prof. Mark Whiteley
MS FRCS (Gen) FCPhleb Consultant
Consultant Vascular Surgeon
GMC: 3120134
Mark Whiteley is a consultant vascular surgeon specialising in walk-in, walk-out surgery for varicose veins. He trained at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London and was a lecturer in surgery at Oxford University from 1995 to 1998. Mark was appointed Consultant Vascular Surgeon in 1998 and performed the first endovenous "keyhole" surgery for varicose veins in the UK in March 1999. As the founder of The Whiteley Clinic and The Whiteley Protocol, his aim was to bring the very best treatments for varicose veins and vein problems, such as thread veins and leg ulcers, to the UK public.
"I started getting interested in varicose veins and venous disease in the end of the 1980s when I couldn't fathom why patients and doctors didn't get upset about the terrible results from varicose veins surgery. Whenever a patient had treatment for varicose veins and then the veins just returned, the patient, General Practitioner and specialist would all just shrug and say "veins always come back again". There is no other area of medicine where we would accept such bad results from an intervention. I was the first doctor in the UK to perform the new endovenous or keyhole surgery for varicose veins in March 1999 and set up The Whiteley Clinic to both research into venous disease and provide the very latest investigations and treatments for patients suffering from this common condition. Our research into leg varicose veins, leg ulcers and more recently pelvic varicose veins including vulval and vaginal varicose veins has made us internationally renowned as a centre of excellence."
allied health professionals

Mel Prynne
Chartered Physiotherapist and Adviser on Women’s Health Physiotherapy Matters
Mel Prynne trained as a physiotherapist at St. Thomas’s Hospital. After a period of rotational training, she specialised in respiratory care and was the lead physiotherapist on the ITU at the Hammersmith Hospital until 1996. After having children she trained in the field of women’s health. She has worked as a clinical specialist since 2010. She currently works at BMI Mount Alvernia and at the Royal Surrey County Hospital.
"After having my own children I became aware of the terrific value and importance of first class women’s health physiotherapy. A woman may have put up with a problem for many years and been too embarrassed to seek help. The process of gaining a woman’s trust and empowering her to make a positive difference is something I consider to be a very great privilege."

Eleanor Strang
Registered Nutritional Therapist and Adviser on Nutritional Matters
Eleanor Strang qualified at The Institute for Optimum Nutrition and completed a BSc in Nutritional Therapy at the University of West London in 2013. She is a member of the British Association for Applied Nutrition & Nutritional Therapy and registered with the government sponsored Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. Her areas of special interest include gut health, gluten, autoimmunity, and fertility, with clinical practice in West London and Woking, Surrey. See website for details.
"Few dispute that poor diet, lifestyle and gut-health cause chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Now research is viewing depression, dementia and autoimmunity through the lens of metabolic dysfunction. Nutrition certainly has a role in preventative medicine, but even established chronic pathologies can respond to dietary change, and good nutrition has been shown to strengthen immune and liver function. A good knowledge of food and cooking helps in creating strategies to assist patients towards making healthy dietary changes, which is vital to move them into the realms of personal responsibility for better health. Away from clinic I write features for ‘Eating & Living Gluten-Free’ magazine, and tennis, hiking, painting and being mum to two young adults fills the rest of my time."